Monday, December 28, 2015

Five - Seven - Five by C.E. Wilson

*I was given a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.*

When I was first contacted about reading this book I had no idea what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised.

White is a girl who has lost her entire family and spent her entire life in a futuristic dystopian world where everyone lives within standard living quarters and threatened with "re-eduacation" classes if they ever step out of line. When White does finally does decide to step out of her comfort zone and explore the forbidden areas she meets a boy who shows her things she could have never imagined in her wildest dreams.

C.E. Wilson is a great author who has a significant talent with her choice of diction. One of my favorite passages was this one:
"Blue is just word," Shade continued. "This is a bed," he said, kicking the wooden surface with the heel of his boot, "but what if someone told you all your life that it was actually a basket? Wouldn't you think it was a basket?"

This novel is full of little gems like that that will force you to contemplate the perception that you have of your own world. I really did enjoy reading this novel and I am looking forward to reading the next installment of this series.

Image result for five seven five ce wilson

Rating: 4/5