Friday, October 9, 2015

The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman

Elizabeth loves fairytales. Even her life is a fairytale, she has an evil step mother, self absorbed step sisters, and a dad who doesn't give her much attention. Sound familiar? I was originally drawn to this book not because of the fairytale storyline but because of her after school job at the New York Circulating Material Repository. This isn't any old library, instead of books they have objects that are available for check out.I personally identify as a library junkie and the thought of being able to check out objects intrigued me enough to give this book a try.

After beginning the book I realized that some of these items were not only historically significant (I love history too) but they were also in some cases magical. I was instantly hooked to the idea of this library.

The plot line however is a little disappointing. Don't get me wrong I would love to trade places with main character Elizabeth for a day just to get my hands on some of the items in the library. BUT I think that for such a great concept for a book Schulman just didn't run with it like I wish she would have. Still I recommend you read this just for the concept of a library that lends out objects.

Rating: 3.75 / 5

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